History » Medieval


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221 books to browse, currently displaying 1 - 20

King of Goths, Ruler of Romans

Hans-Ulrich Wiemer; Translated by John Noel Dillon

Wood as Subject and Medium in the Art of Late Medieval Germany

Gregory C. Bryda

In Search of a Forgotten Christianity

Francoise Briquel Chatonnet and Muriel Debie; Translated...

Animals, Archives, and the Making of Culture from Herodotus to the Digital Age

Bruce Holsinger

The Conscience of a King

Malcolm Vale

A Life in Legend

Richard Stoneman

Seven Centuries of War and Peace

John D. Hosler

A History of France and England, 1100–1300

Catherine Hanley

The History of the Druids in Britain

Ronald Hutton

Pagan Goddesses in Christian Europe: An Investigation

The Making of the Legend

Nicholas J. Higham

The Self-Made King

Michael Hicks

The Rise to Power and Personal Rule, 1207-1258

David Carpenter

Tales from the Late Medieval City

Nina Rowe

Christina of Hane; Translation, Introduction, and...

Defending the Holy Land

Steve Tibble
