History » American History


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872 books to browse, currently displaying 1 - 20

Merchants and the Transformation of the Transatlantic Slave Trade

Nicholas Radburn

Lessons from Farmers Who Persist in Place

Brooks Lamb

Merchants, Mariners, and the Transatlantic Commerce in Captives, 1644-1865

Sean M. Kelley

Native Women and the Making of the Early South

Alejandra Dubcovsky

A History of the Unnatural Rhythms That Made Us Who We Are

David M. Henkin

How Disruptive Military Innovation Determines the Fates of Great Powers

Andrew F. Krepinevich, Jr.

The American History of an Idea

Lillian Faderman

Kennedy, Nixon, and the Election of 1960

Irwin F. Gellman

Colonization, Politics, and English Identity, 1660-1700

Gabriel Glickman

A Lost Story of the American Revolution

Benjamin L. Carp

Antifascism and the Left in the Age of Fascism

Joseph Fronczak

The History of a National Obsession

Mary Ziegler

Founders of Molecular Biology

William C. Summers

The Traumatic Afterlife of Lynching

Mari N. Crabtree

A Biography of Spirit and Flesh

Thomas S. Kidd

Wilderness as Image and Idea

Ben A. Minteer, Mark Klett, and Stephen J. Pyne; Foreword...

A Story of Book Collectors in America

Denise Gigante

American Clemency for Nazi War Criminals

Robert Hutchinson
