History » Medieval


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221 books to browse, currently displaying 1 - 20

King of Goths, Ruler of Romans

Hans-Ulrich Wiemer; Translated by John Noel Dillon

Wood as Subject and Medium in the Art of Late Medieval Germany

Gregory C. Bryda

In Search of a Forgotten Christianity

Francoise Briquel Chatonnet and Muriel Debie; Translated...

The Conscience of a King

Malcolm Vale

A Life in Legend

Richard Stoneman

Animals, Archives, and the Making of Culture from Herodotus to the Digital Age

Bruce Holsinger

Seven Centuries of War and Peace

John D. Hosler

The History of the Druids in Britain

Ronald Hutton

A History of France and England, 1100–1300

Catherine Hanley

Pagan Goddesses in Christian Europe: An Investigation

The Making of the Legend

Nicholas J. Higham

The Self-Made King

Michael Hicks

The Rise to Power and Personal Rule, 1207-1258

David Carpenter

Tales from the Late Medieval City

Nina Rowe

Christina of Hane; Translation, Introduction, and...

Defending the Holy Land

Steve Tibble
