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1949 books to browse, currently displaying 301 - 320

A Life

Claude Arnaud; Translated by Lauren Elkin and Charlotte...

The Conscience of a King

Malcolm Vale

The Gun That Built an American Dynasty

Laura Trevelyan

Why Prejudice Persists

Stephen Eric Bronner

The Last Two Great Presidents

Godfrey Hodgson

Biographical Writings: Soldiers, Scholars, and Friends

Samuel Johnson; Edited by O M Brack, Jr., and Robert...

The Wartime Revelations of Stalin's Ambassador in London

Ivan Maisky; edited by Gabriel Gorodetsky

America's Spiritual Founding Father

Thomas S. Kidd

The Prince and the Myth

John Freed

Abused City

Thomas Friedrich

Writing and Life, Literature and History: On Jorge Semprun

Edited by Liran Razinsky

Faith, Politics, and Reason, 1500-1801

G. M. Hamburg

The French Prince Who Invaded England

Catherine Hanley

The Destruction of Greece and the Future of Europe

James K. Galbraith

American Prophet

Jeffrey Rosen

The Curious History of Private Collectors from Antiquity to the Present

Erin L. Thompson

Domestic Life, Devastation and Survival, 1900-1950

Paul Ginsborg

The Catholic Church and World Development

Robert Calderisi
