History » American History


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872 books to browse, currently displaying 161 - 180

Edited by Catherine A. Brekus

The Rise of Evangelical Christianity in Early America

Catherine A. Brekus

Taxes, Politics, and the Origins of American Independence

Justin du Rivage

Redefining Humanity's Purpose in Space

Valerie Neal

The United States and the California Indian Catastrophe, 1846-1873

Benjamin Madley

Richard Nixon, the Congress Years, 1946-1952

Irwin F. Gellman

An Anthology

Edited by Joseph Kip Kosek; Foreword by Jon Butler

The Outlaw Lives of Billy the Kid and Ned Kelly

Robert M. Utley

The Religious Life of a Founding Father

Thomas S. Kidd

The Secret History of the CIA’s Lethal Drone Program

Christopher J. Fuller

Volume 42: March 1 through August 15, 1784

Benjamin Franklin; Edited by Ellen R. Cohn

The Economic Origins of Space Exploration from Colonial America to the Cold War

Alexander MacDonald

John R. Kelso’s Civil War

John R. Kelso; Edited by Christopher Grasso

Fear and Hope in Progressive-Era Conservation

Benjamin Heber Johnson

Contesting Equal Rights from the Revolution to the Civil War

Richard D. Brown

Gender, Citizenship, and Law in Native American Literature

Beth H. Piatote

The British Life of America's Founding Father

George Goodwin

Indians and the Contest for the American Coast

Andrew Lipman

A History of Abolition

Manisha Sinha
