History » Slavic Studies


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304 books to browse, currently displaying 221 - 240

Kornei Chukovsky; Edited by Victor Erlich; Translated by...

How Two Americans Spied for Stalin and Founded the Soviet Silicon Valley

Steven T. Usdin

The Tragedy of the Soviet Countryside, Volume one

Edited by Lynne Viola, V. P. Danilov, N. A. Ivnitskii, and...

Edited and annotated by Joshua Rubenstein and Alexander...

Jewish Agricultural Colonization and Local Soviet Power, 1924–1941

Jonathan L. Dekel-Chen

Terror and Treason in Tsarist Russia

Richard Pipes

Politics Between the Lines

Kathleen F. Parthé

Kim Philby, Donald Maclean, and Guy Burgess

S. J. Hamrick

Language, Life, and the Russian Media

Andrei Bogomolov and Marita Nummikoski

Toward the New Millennium

Yevgeny Primakov; Translated by Felix Rosenthal

Poems of Memory

Anna Akhmatova; Translated, with an introductory biography...

A Biography

Nicholas Murray

Colonialism, Nationalism, and Communism in Cambodia, 1930–1975
Second Edition

Ben Kiernan

Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, 1569–1999

Timothy Snyder

Prague and the Russian Diaspora, 1918–1938

Catherine Andreyev and Ivan Savický

A Narrative in Documents

Documents Compiled by Ludmila Kosheleva, Larisa Rogovaia,...

Alexander N. Yakovlev; Translated from the Russian by...

A Biography

Adam LeBor

A Biography

Lindsey Hughes
