Art and Architecture » Modern


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401 books to browse, currently displaying 141 - 160

Edited by Harry Cooper

Rescuing Hope from Catastrophe in 1950s Britain

Ben Highmore

Loneliness and the Cinematic

Mieke Bal

Art and Fact during the Cold War

Joshua Shannon

Artist as Alchemist

Edited by Gloria Groom; With contributions by Gloria Groom...

Between the Clock and the Bed

Edited by Gary Garrels, Jon-Ove Steihaug, and Sheena...

Edited by Francesca Pola; With contributions by Robyn...

Lachaise, Laurent, Nadelman, and Zorach

Edited by Andrew J. Eschelbacher; With essays by Andrew J...

Painting Poetry

Stephen Brown and Georgiana Uhlyarik

Thomas Wilfred and the Art of Light

Keely Orgeman; With a foreword by James Turrell and essays...

Edited by M. Melissa Wolfe; With essays by Sarah Burns,...

Works on Paper

Karen Wilkin, Marcelle Polednik, and Diana Greenwold

Pablo Picasso, Gertrude Stein, Henri Bergson, Comics, Albert Einstein, and Anarchy

Leonard Folgarait

Edited by Oda Wildhagen Gjessing; With texts by Stian...

Movement and Experience in Viennese Modern Architecture

Christopher Long

Art and Polemics in 1950s Cuba

Abigail McEwen

Zao Wou-Ki

Melissa Walt, Ankeney Weitz, and Michelle Yun

Edited by Beverley Calté

Inspiration and Transformation

John B. Ravenal
