Art and Architecture » Architecture


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425 books to browse, currently displaying 21 - 40

Architecture, 1920–1970

Kenneth Frampton

Architecture in the People’s Republic of China, 1970–1992

Cole Roskam

Julian Orbach, Nikolaus Pevsner, and Bridget Cherry

A History of Places and People

Clive Aslet

Martin Roberts, Nikolaus Pevsner, and Elizabeth Williamson...

The Late Architectural Philosophy of Louis I. Kahn as Expressed in the Yale Center for British Art

Jules David Prown

Art Nouveau to Modernism

Edited by David A. Hanks; With essays by Barry Bergdoll,...

Plants and Flowers in the Modern Interior

Penny Sparke

Clare Hartwell, Nikolaus Pevsner, and Elizabeth Williamson...

Amerikanizm in Russian Architecture

Jean-Louis Cohen

Nature as Ornament

Edited by Sunil Bald and Gary Huafan He; With essays by...

Carmontelle; Edited by Elizabeth Barlow Rogers and Joseph...

The Making of America's Architect

Anthony Alofsin

Little Houses and Big Dreams in the Holy City

Witold Rybczynski

Architecture and the Poetics of Marble from Antiquity to the Enlightenment

Fabio Barry

A Memoir with Letters from Louis Kahn

Harriet Pattison

The Astronomical Observatories of Jai Singh II

Barry Perlus

North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula, 700–1800

Jonathan M. Bloom

Edited by Cloe Pitiot and Nina Stritzler-Levine
