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347 books to browse, currently displaying 301 - 320

Sixty Years of Regulation and Deregulation

Paul W. MacAvoy

How to Create Wealth from Conflicting Values

Charles M. Hampden-Turner and Fons Trompenaars;...

An Essay on Financial Globalisation and Fragility

Alexandre Lamfalussy

Bruce Ackerman and Anne Alstott

Russia's Struggle to Free Its Economy

Rose Brady

A Social and Architectural History

James Schmiechen and Kenneth Carls

The Trials of the Oldest Colony in the World

José Trías Monge

Toward a Popular Progressive Politics

Edited by Stanley B. Greenberg and Theda Skocpol

Rebalancing the Bankruptcy System

Karen Gross; With a new preface

The Dilemmas of Tort Law

Peter A. Bell and Jeffrey O´Connell

Using Public Choice to Improve Public Law

Jerry L. Mashaw

Power, Coordination, and Performance

Bradley M. Richardson

The Contested Languages of Social Regulation

Bruce A. Williams and Albert R. Matheny

Edited by Walter W. Powell and Elisabeth S. Clemens

A Look to the Twenty-first Century

Eli Ginzberg

Accelerating Minority Educational Advancement

L. Scott Miller

Restoring Social Equity

Neil Gilbert
