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127 books to browse, currently displaying 61 - 80

Archaeology and Identity in the British Enlightenment

Jason M. Kelly

Ancient Ivories of Bering Strait

Edited by William W. Fitzhugh, Julie Hollowell, and Aron L...

Atlantic Encounters in the Age of Columbus

David Abulafia

The Power of God for Christians and Jews

Kevin J. Madigan and Jon D. Levenson

The Golden Age of Fossils in America

Keith Thomson

From River Plain to Open Sea

Nancy Tingley; With essays by Andreas Reinecke, Pierre-...

Ideals, Practices, and Problems of the "Wu Family Shrines" and Han China

Cary Y. Liu, Michael Loewe, Lydia Thompson, Zheng Yan,...

The Ultimate Victory of the God of Life

Jon D. Levenson

Remarks on the History of Things

George Kubler

Isaac Mendes Belisario and His Worlds

Tim Barringer, Gillian Forrester, and Barbaro Martinez...

A History in Documents, 1917-1953

Katerina Clark and Evgeny Dobrenko with Andrei Artizov and...

The Material Culture of Needlework and Sewing

Mary C. Beaudry

Imagined Rituals of Sex, Death, and Madness in a Biblical Forgery

Peter Jeffery

The Earth-Science Approach to Archaeological Interpretation
Second Edition

George (Rip) Rapp and Christopher L. Hill

Edited by John E. Clark and Mary E. Pye

The Heroic Tradition of Ancient Israel

Gregory Mobley

Edited by Richard F. Townsend; With essays by Ken Kokrda,...
