Science » Natural History


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131 books to browse, currently displaying 41 - 60

A Short History

Chris Herzfeld; Translated by Kevin Frey; Foreword by Jane...

How Invasive Species Are Transforming the Planet—and Ourselves

Leslie Anthony

The Quest to Find the True Age of the Universe and the Theory of Everything

John Gribbin

Misadventures of a 21st-Century Naturalist

Ruth Erickson

Images of Latin American Nature from Columbus to Darwin

Daniela Bleichmar

The Hurricane That Transformed New England

Stephen Long

War, Climate Change and Catastrophe in the Seventeenth Century
Abridged and Revised Edition

Geoffrey Parker

Dinosaurs, Dynasties, and the Story of Life on Earth

Richard Conniff

Discoveries in the Desert at Al Gharbia, United Arab Emirates

Faysal Bibi, Andrew Hill, and Mark Beech

Who These Fearsome Animals Really Are

G. A. Bradshaw

Henry David Thoreau; Edited by Geoff Wisner; Illustrated...

Coastal Habitats, Plant Life, Fish, Seabirds, Marine Mammals, and Other Wildlife

Patrick J. Lynch

Nature and the Future of Martha’s Vineyard

David R. Foster; Illustrations by Brian R. Hall;...

An Illustrated Natural History

Mike Unwin and David Tipling; Foreword by Tony Angell

Tony Angell; Foreword by Robert Michael Pyle

Australia's Birds and How They Changed the World

Tim Low

The Outcome Is Never Certain

Alastair Fothergill and Huw Cordey; Foreword by David...

The Improbable Quest to Bring a Beloved Seabird Back to Egg Rock

Stephen W. Kress and Derrick Z. Jackson

The Story of a Forest Ecosystem

Richard T. Holmes and Gene E. Likens
