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346 books to browse, currently displaying 281 - 300

A National Plan for Extended Childhood Intervention

Edited by Edward F. Zigler and Sally J. Styfco

The View from Self Psychology

Arnold Goldberg

Perspectives on Contemporary Clinical Practice

Gail S. Reed

Responsibility and the Individual in Japan and the United States

V. Lee Hamilton and Joseph Sanders

Asceticism in Contemporary Culture

Edited by Letha B. Cole and Mary G. Winkler

Transforming the Debate on Sexual Inequality

Sandra Lipsitz Bem

What Dream Imagery Reveals

Morton Reiser

Social Policy for Saving Lives

H. Laurence Ross; Foreword by Joseph R. Gusfield

White-Collar Offenders in the Federal Courts

David Weisburd, Stanton Wheeler, Elin Waring, and Nancy...

Child Placement Issues

Albert J. Solnit, Barbara Nordhaus, and Ruth Lord

A Scientific Fiction

Diane E. Eyer

Magnetic Sleep and the Roots of Psychological Healing

Adam Crabtree

Perspectives and Prospects

Edited by Sharon Lynn Kagan, Douglas R. Powell, Bernice T...

Transference and Transcendence

James W. Jones

Psychoanalytic Studies from Aeschylus to Beckett

Bennett Simon

Judaism Terminable and Interminable

Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi

Myths for the Twentieth Century

Robert J. Stoller

How Girls and Boys Drop In and Out of Alternative Schools

Deirdre M. Kelly; Foreword by Jeannie Oakes
