Science » Environmental Studies


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314 books to browse, currently displaying 301 - 314

More than the Sum of the Parts

Frank B. Golley

How Congress Abuses the People through Delegation

David Schoenbrod

The Decline of Environmental Politics in the West

Anna Bramwell

Environmental Groups in Western Europe

Russell J. Dalton

Edited by Robert L. Peters and Thomas E. Lovejoy

The Broken Circle

Edited by F. Herbert Bormann and Stephen R. Kellert

Edited by Marion S. Pottle, Claude Colleer Abbott, and...

From Prehistory to the Age of Ecology

Max Oelschlaeger

Edited by Alwyn H. Gentry

Transforming Visions of the American West

Jules David Prown, Nancy K. k Anderson, William Cronon,...

Restoring Identity to the Regional Landscape

Michael Hough

A Global Challenge

John Firor

Resources, Development, and the New Century

Robert Repetto
