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68 books to browse, currently displaying 41 - 60

An Advanced Reading Text for Modern Chinese

Sharon Shih-jiu Hou and Chih-ping Chou

The Adventures of "Tiny Wang"

Peggy Wang and Lao She

Yu-Ju Chih and John S. Montanaro

An Intermediate Reading Text for Modern Chinese

Parker Po-fei Huang and Hugh M. Stimson

Ying Hsu and J. Marvin Brown

Student Workbook

Vivien Wong and Quincey Lu

Student Workbook

Vivien Wong and Quincey Lu

A Beginning Text in the Chinese Character, Expanded Edition

Richard Chang

Student Workbook

Vivien Wong and Quincey Lu

Student Workbook

Vivien Wong and Quincey Lu

A Beginning Text in the Chinese Character
Expanded Edition

Fang-yu Wang

Volume Four, Supplementary Reading Series for Intermediate Chinese Reader.

Yung Teng Chia-yee

A Beginning Reading Text for Modern Chinese

Parker Po-fei Huang and Hugh M. Stimson

A Beginning Reading Text for Modern Chinese

Parker Po-fei Huang and Hugh M. Stimson

Volume Five, Supplementary Reading Series for Intermediate Chinese Reader

Yung Teng Chia-yee

Parker Po-fei Huang and Hugh M. Stimson
