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149 books to browse, currently displaying 121 - 140

William L. MacDonald and John A. Pinto

The British Usurpers

P. J. Casey; With translations of the texts by R. S. O....

The Metamorphosis of Natural Theology in the Christian Encounter with Hellenism

Jaroslav Pelikan

History, Theory, Practice

Willis Barnstone

Mentor, Message, and Miracles

John P. Meier

Diana E. E. Kleiner

Palestine in Christian History and Thought

Robert Louis Wilken

Aristotelian Themes in Economic Theory

James Bernard Murphy

The Symposium

Plato; Translated and with commentary by R. E. Allen

Joachim Burmeister

Diana E. E. Kleiner

George C. Izenour; Foreword by Robert Venturi

Charles Martin

The Apostolate and Apostasy of Saul the Pharisee

Alan F. Segal

David E. Slavitt

The Roots of the Problem and the Person

John P. Meier
