Books from "Synkrisis"
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The Emergence of Theology and the Parting of the Ways
06/20/2023, HardcoverISBN: 9780300263329 -
Theo-Economics in Early Christianity
06/08/2021, HardcoverISBN: 9780300253160 -
Acts of the Apostles and Ethnicity in the Roman City
04/21/2020, HardcoverISBN: 9780300247893 -
Spirit Possession and Exorcism in the Early Christ Groups
01/07/2020, HardcoverISBN: 9780300245622 -
Jesus and Mediterranean Myths
08/06/2019, HardcoverISBN: 9780300242638 -
Ideology, the Bible, and the Early Christians
11/28/2017, HardcoverISBN: 9780300227727 -
Food and the Formation of the Soul in Early Christianity
06/27/2017, HardcoverISBN: 9780300222760 -
Gift Exchange in the Letters of Paul of Tarsus
01/10/2017, HardcoverISBN: 9780300220407 -
Bible, Art, and Ritual at Dura-Europos, Syria
01/26/2016, ClothISBN: 9780300213997 -
Specters of Ethnicity in Roman Corinth and Paul's Corinthian Correspondence
06/24/2014, ClothISBN: 9780300197938 -
Cultural Memories of a Young Jesus
05/13/2014, ClothISBN: 9780300149456 -
Paul, Travel, and the Rhetoric of Empire
04/30/2013, ClothISBN: 9780300187144 -
Cult, Polis, and Change in the Graeco-Roman World
01/08/2013, ClothISBN: 9780300178630