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The AIDS Benefits Handbook
Everything you need to know to get Social Security, Welfare, Medicaid, Medicare, Food Stamps, Housing...
"I know of no other publication that serves the function that this book provides. It is invaluable."—David Barr, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, New YorkPersons with AIDS and with AIDS-Related Complex (ARC...

Hermit with Landscape
The winning volume in the 1989 Yale Series of Younger Poets competition is Hermit with Landscape by Daniel Hall. As James Merrill, distinguished poet and judge of the competition, has said: "Daniel Hall is a patient...

Temas del comercio y la economía en la narrativa hispana
Through a study of literature, the social and cultural issues that help form the identity of a people can be revealed and examined. The ten essays in Temas del comercio y la economía en la narrativa hispana

Moral Panic
Changing Concepts of the Child Molester in Modern America
It is commonly acknowledged that sexual abuse of children is a grave and pervasive problem and that child molesters are predators who compulsively repeat their crimes and have little hope of cure. Yet as recently as twenty...

The Memory of Judgment
Making Law and History in the Trials of the Holocaust
This powerful book offers the first detailed examination of the law’s response to the crimes of the Holocaust. In vivid prose it offers a fascinating study of five exemplary proceedings—the Nuremberg trial of the major Nazi...

Cantonese Sounds and Tones

Character Text for Speak Cantonese Book One
Revised Edition
Speak Cantonese, Book One, is one of a series of books that teaches the modern spoken language of Cantonese, one of the major dialects of Chinese. As appropriate for a text of its kind, it is entirely in romanization. In...

Fifty-Five T’ang Poems
A Text in the Reading and Understanding of T’ang Poetry
Four masters of the shi form of Chinese poetry, who are generally considered to be giants in the entire history of Chinese literature, are represented in this book: three from the eighth century, and one from the ninth. A few...

The Psychoanalytic Theory of Greek Tragedy
Psychoanalytic readings of literature are often reductionist, seeking to find in great works of the past support for current psychoanalytic tenets. In this book C. Fred Alford begins with the possibility that the insights...

Read Chinese, Book Two
A Beginning Text in the Chinese Character, Expanded Edition
This second book of the Read Chinese series covers an additional three hundred Chinese characters, in both simplified and traditional forms. It is structured within the framework of a story about a Chinese student's journey...