e-Examination Books
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Paul Ehrlich, Julian Simon, and Our Gamble over Earth's Future
September 30, 2014, Paper$18.00
Request eBook Exam CopyISBN: 9780300198973 -
December 18, 2002, Paper$59.00
Request eBook Exam CopyISBN: 9780300095739 -
Why Liberal Education Matters
May 19, 2015, Paper$17.00
Request eBook Exam CopyISBN: 9780300212662 -
The Meaning of Scripture in the Twenty-first Century
February 21, 2017, Hardcover$40.00
Request eBook Exam CopyISBN: 9780300222838 -
Abundance within Planetary Boundaries
September 22, 2015, Cloth$27.50
Request eBook Exam CopyISBN: 9780300218367 -
Creation and Reconstruction
April 10, 2000, Paper$22.00
Request eBook Exam CopyISBN: 9780300082777 -
How the Abbottabad Raid Revealed the Truth about al-Qaeda, Its Leader and His Family
April 12, 2022, Hardcover$28.00
Request eBook Exam CopyISBN: 9780300260632 -
How the Abbottabad Raid Revealed the Truth about al-Qaeda, Its Leader and His Family
June 27, 2023, Paper$18.00
Request eBook Exam CopyISBN: 9780300270426 -
Transforming the Biosphere
January 8, 2019, Paper$40.00
Request eBook Exam CopyISBN: 9780300206111 -
People and Nature in the Modern World
May 27, 2014, Paper$34.00
Request eBook Exam CopyISBN: 9780300205794 -
A Family History of African Americans in Nineteenth-Century New York City
February 7, 2012, Paper$20.00
Request eBook Exam CopyISBN: 9780300181746 -
How an Idea Abandoned by Newtonians, Hated by Einstein, and Gambled On by Hawking Became Loved
March 22, 2016, Paper$18.00
Request eBook Exam CopyISBN: 9780300219661 -
A World History of Genocide and Extermination from Sparta to Darfur
February 17, 2009, Paper$31.95
Request eBook Exam CopyISBN: 9780300144253 -
John R. Kelso’s Civil War
April 11, 2017, Hardcover$35.00
Request eBook Exam CopyISBN: 9780300210965 -
Big Bangs, Behaviors, and Beliefs
March 25, 2014, Paper$20.00
Request eBook Exam CopyISBN: 9780300205725 -
The Troubled Rise of a Global Power
January 12, 2016, Paper$16.00
Request eBook Exam CopyISBN: 9780300216974 -
Martin Luther King Jr. and the Black Social Gospel
February 26, 2019, Paper$31.95
Request eBook Exam CopyISBN: 9780300244335 -
Reckoning with America's Environmental Crises
April 9, 2019, Paper$17.00
Request eBook Exam CopyISBN: 9780300244397