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196 books to browse, currently displaying 21 - 40

The Making of an American Movie Studio

David Thomson

Power and Succession in the History Plays

Peter Lake

A Life in Films

Molly Haskell

Edmond Dédé and the Unfinished Revolutions of the Atlantic World

Sally McKee

Immersive Cinema and Art, 1905–2016

Chrissie Iles; With a foreword by Adam D. Weinberg, and...

Redefining Beauty, Femininity, and Power

Neal Gabler

Pascal Quignard; Translated from the French by Matthew...

An American Musician

Allen Shawn

A Life in Four Acts

Robert M. Dowling

Bernard Williams

Reflecting on and through Performing Arts—One Introduction, Three Acts, and Two Intermezzos

Edited by Daniel Blanga-Gubbay and Lars Kwakkenbos; With...

Music, Metaphysics, and the Twilight of the Russian Empire

Rebecca Mitchell

Highlights of The Metropolitan Museum of Art

J. Kenneth Moore, Jayson Kerr Dobney, and E. Bradley...

Edited by Patrick Coleman; With essays by Simon Shaw-...

Stephen Banfield
