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325 books to browse, currently displaying 281 - 300

Environmental Groups in Western Europe

Russell J. Dalton

The New Washington and the Rise of Think Tanks

David M. Ricci

Responsibility and the Individual in Japan and the United States

V. Lee Hamilton and Joseph Sanders

Textbook Censorship in America

Joan DelFattore

Myths and Realities

Frank J. Sorauf

Social Policy for Saving Lives

H. Laurence Ross; Foreword by Joseph R. Gusfield

White-Collar Offenders in the Federal Courts

David Weisburd, Stanton Wheeler, Elin Waring, and Nancy...

Child Placement Issues

Albert J. Solnit, Barbara Nordhaus, and Ruth Lord

Aristotelian Themes in Economic Theory

James Bernard Murphy

Alexander N. Yakovlev; Introduction by Thomas Remington;...

New Directions for Democratic Reform

James S. Fishkin

Self-Government in American Constitutional Theory

Paul W. Kahn

A Philosophical and Constitutional Inquiry

Michel Rosenfeld

A Biography

Laura Kalman

An Official Language for Americans?

Dennis Baron

The Troubled Attempt to Understand and Shape Society

Charles E. Lindblom

The Supreme Court and the Process of Adjudication

Harry H. Wellington

Prisons and Punishment in Early America

Adam J. Hirsch
