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427 books to browse, currently displaying 121 - 140

Essays in Reform and Recollection

Guido Calabresi

A Guide for the Open-Minded

Guy Standing

Why Good Incentives Are No Substitute for Good Citizens

Samuel Bowles

Gender, Social Media, and Aspirational Work

Brooke Erin Duffy

Taxes, Politics, and the Origins of American Independence

Justin du Rivage

The Tumultuous Liberation of Wireless Technology, from Herbert Hoover to the Smartphone

Thomas Winslow Hazlett

The Economic Origins of Space Exploration from Colonial America to the Cold War

Alexander MacDonald

War, Stagnation, and the Risks to the World’s Most Dynamic Region

Michael R. Auslin

Extraction, Violence, and Legitimacy

Sumit Ganguly and William R. Thompson

The Rise of the Arab Gulf

Rory Miller

A Guide to Wealth and Work in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Jerry Kaplan

Rogues, Swindlers, Frauds, and the Rise of Modern Finance

Ian Klaus

Struggling for Sustainability on the Small Farm

Connor J. Fitzmaurice and Brian J. Gareau

Why (and How) Sovereign Funds Should be Managed by the People for the People

Angela Cummine

The Ethics of Globalization

Peter Singer

Larry Elliott and Dan Atkinson

How Effective Altruism Is Changing Ideas About Living Ethically

Peter Singer

The Destruction of Greece and the Future of Europe

James K. Galbraith

Why Economists Failed to Predict the Crisis and How to Avoid the Next One

Meghnad Desai
