Parenting Stress
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Kirby Deater-Deckard
Out of Print
All parents experience stress as they attempt to meet the challenges of caring for their children. This comprehensive book examines the causes and consequences of parenting distress, drawing on a wide array of findings in current empirical research. Kirby Deater-Deckard explores normal and pathological parenting stress, the influences of parents on their children as well as children on their parents, and the effects of biological and environmental factors.
Beginning with an overview of theories of stress and coping, Deater-Deckard goes on to describe how parenting stress is linked with problems in adult and child health (emotional problems, developmental disorders, illness); parental behaviors (warmth, harsh discipline); and factors outside the family (marital quality, work roles, cultural influences). The book concludes with a useful review of coping strategies and interventions that have been demonstrated to alleviate parenting stress.
Kirby Deater-Deckard is associate professor, Department of Psychology, University of Oregon. He has published extensively in the fields of child development, family psychology, and developmental psychology.
"Deater-Deckard avoids simplistic explanations of stress that emphasize either nature or nurture. And, he goes beyond the nonsurprising findings about stress in parenting to the surprising and provocative ones."—Kathleen McCartney, Harvard University
"Parenting Stress provides excellent suggestions and guidance for how individuals can reduce parenting stress, based on sound and completely up-to-date empirical research."—Joan Grusec, University of Toronto
"Parenting Stress is the most authoritative single source of both research and clinical relevant information on the phenomena of parenting stress available. Dr. Deater-Deckard brings clarity to our understanding of the concept and to its complexity. His presentation of the bi-directional effects, the variability in relation to siblings, and the contextual variables involved, deepens the reader’s understanding and creates insights into directions for further research. Parenting Stress is destined to become a major resource for researchers and practitioners."—Richard R. Abidin, Professor emeritus, Curry programs in Clinical and School Psychology, University of Virginia; Author of the Parenting Stress Index, and other family system measures
"Don’t be fooled by the title. Parenting Stress insightfully illuminates not just the many factors and forces that challenge parents, but the very coping processes that reduce stress and increase the joys of parenting."—Jay Belsky, Institute for the Study of Children, Families and Social Issues, Birkbeck University of London
Publication Date: August 11, 2004