A Commentary on Aristotle's ’De anima'
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Thomas Aquinas; Translated by Robert C. Pasnau
In his De anima commentary, Aquinas offers the first and most original of his studies of Aristotle. His influential, cogent reading of Aristotle’s notoriously difficult text not only contributes to our understanding of the Greek philosopher but also expresses in full detail Aquinas’s own views on central philosophical topics. Writing at the height of his intellectual powers, Aquinas considers in full detail the nature of the soul, the mind-body problem, the role of the intellect, the character of sensation, and many other related issues.
“This translation is an important research tool for all philosophers interested in Aquinas’s philosophy of mind and epistemology. The Sententia is an important locus classicus for Aquinas’s best treatment of many of these issues so central to contemporary work in the philosophy of mind. To have Gauthier’s Leonine text now available together with Pasnau’s fresh translation into English and his substantive introduction and informative footnotes bode well for continuing good work in Aquinas studies in the philosophy of mind. Every library of both undergraduate and graduate philosophy programs needs this work, and all of us interested in the history of medieval philosophy of mind should have this new translation on our desks. Highly recommended.”—Anthony J. Lisska, The Medieval Review
Publication Date: March 11, 1999