The New Majority
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Toward a Popular Progressive Politics
Edited by Stanley B. Greenberg and Theda Skocpol
Out of Print
This provocative book is a dialogue among Stanley B. Greenberg, Theda Skocpol, and other well-known thinkers. The contributors reject conservative answers to America’s most pressing problems—fraying social ties, hard-pressed family life, sluggish economic growth, and widening gaps between the life circumstances of the most privileged and of everyone else. They discuss a renewal of the nation’s social contract, suggest how to revitalize American democracy (not only by reducing the role of big money, but also by reconnecting people to politics), and explore how popular Democrats can fashion broad electoral alliances in the years to come. The Democratic party must undertake a new mission to champion the daily needs of Americans who work for a living, the authors maintain. In this period of change, America needs a government that does more, not less. By opting for a popular progressive course, Democrats can realign national debates and inspire a broad new electoral majority.
Alan Brinkley
Marc Caplan
Michael C. Dawson
Jeff Faux
Marshall Ganz
Stanley B. Greenberg
Ira Katznelson
Theodore R. Marmor
Jerry L. Mashaw
Karen M. Paget
Miles S. Rapoport
Michael J. Sandel
Theda Skocpol
Paul Starr
Margaret Weir
William Julius Wilson
"An engaging and enlightening collection of essays-perfectly designed to fortify liberals, progressives, and similarly noble but endangered species."—Robert B. Reich, Former Secretary of Labor, Professor at Brandeis University
"The Democratic party will not be passing from the American political scene for some time. It is refreshing to know that at least some intellectuals, if all too few, are leading rather than following."—Alan Wolfe, Commonwealth
"There is enough coherence here to make it worthwhile to wonder whether Greenberg, Skocpol, and their co-authors are onto a potentially winning new political formula."—Nicholas Lemann, Atlantic Monthly
"This collection of 14 articles provides a shrewd analysis of the current state of U.S. politics and prescribes a provocative progressive agenda directed to the concerns and problems of working families. . . . This intellectually stimulating book is worth reading because even if one is not interested in their prescriptions the authors’ analyses remain important."—Douglas Jaenicke, American Politics Review
Publication Date: September 23, 1997