Books from "Rethinking the Western Tradition"


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The volumes in this series seek to address the present debate over the Western tradition by reprinting key works of that tradition along with essays that evaluate each text from different perspectives.

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22 books to browse, currently displaying 19 - 22
  • Niccolò Machiavelli; Translated by Angelo Codevilla; Commentary by William B. Allen, Hadley Arkes, Carnes Lord

    07/21/1997, Paper
    $16.00 |
    ISBN: 9780300064032
  • René Descartes; Edited by David Weissman; Essays by William T. Bluhm, Lou Massa, Thomas Pavel, John F. Post, Stephen Toulmin, and David Weissman.

    08/28/1996, Paper
    $32.50 |
    ISBN: 9780300067736
  • John Newman; Edited by Frank M. Turner; With essays by Martha McMackin Garland, Sara Castro-Klarén, George P. Landow, George M. Marsden, and Frank M. Turner.

    05/29/1996, Paper
    $30.95 |
    ISBN: 9780300064056
  • Matthew Arnold; Edited by Samuel Lipman; Commentary by Maurice Cowling, Gerald Graff, Samuel Lipman, and Steven Marcus

    04/27/1994, Paper
    $26.00 |
    ISBN: 9780300058673
