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French, Italian, and Spanish Criticism, 1900-1950
Volume 8
The final volume of René Wellek's monumental history of modern criticism is a comprehensive survey of the main currents of twentieth-century criticism in Western Europe. In this volume, as in the preceding books of the series...

Science as Writing
For many years it has been assumed that a great gulf exists between science and the humanities, that the writings of science are simply the record of things scientists do and find and are devoid of literary features. Recently...

Translating Freud
This book describes the problems that become apparent when translating Freud's subtle thought and supple wording and examines the way in which these dilemmas are affected by the language—French, Spanish, and English—into...

Storied Lives
The Cultural Politics of Self-Understanding
"The stories people tell about themselves are interesting not only for the events and characters they describe but for something in the construction of the stories themselves. The ways in which individuals recount their...

Hands of the Saddlemaker
Nicholas Samaras's Hands of the Saddlemaker, the winning volume in the 1991 Yale Series of Younger Poets competition, was selected from among 710 entries in this annual competition. The broad...

Origins and Extinctions
What is the origin of the universe? How did life appear on Earth and why was much of that life destroyed at various times in Earth's history? In this book four noted scientists—physicist Alan H. Guth, astronomer...

Observing the Erotic Imagination
"Stoller is not just a scientist but a lover of words and language. In this book, his text is as playful, charming, and serious as his topic. The mix, a scientific and aesthetic exploration of the erotic imagination,...

Sitting in Judgement
The Sentencing of White-Collar Criminals
This is the first book to describe in detail how judges sentence white-collar criminals. Drawing from lengthy, in-depth interviews with fifty-one judges in seven federal districts, the authors explore such topics as...

Understanding Peasant China
Case Studies in the Philosophy of Social Science
In this innovative book, Daniel Little compares the positions of various social scientists regarding debates in China studies. Little focuses on four topics: the relative importance of individual rationality and community...

Charles Ives
"My Father`s Song": A Psychoanalytic Biography
"A sound of a distant hornO'er shadowed lake is borne—my father's song."—Charles Ives Charles Ives, perhaps the quintessential American composer of the twentieth century, drew on his...