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Among the greatest names in Roman—and European—poetry has always been that of Horace. Through all the centuries since his death in 8 B.C., his superb poetic craftsmanship has remained unassailable. Yet the full range...

Dead Secrets
Wilkie Collins and the Female Gothic

No Man's Land
The Place of the Woman Writer in the Twentieth Century, Volume 1: The War of the Words
The first book in a landmark three-volume work that brings feminist theory to bear on modern literature in English. Focusing on both male and female writers, Gilbert and Gubar here survey social, literary, and linguistic...

State Supreme Courts in State and Nation
This is the first systematic and comprehensive analysis of state supreme courts. Offering detailed case studies of the Alabama, Ohio, and New Jersey supreme courts, G. Alan Tarr and Mary Cornelia Aldis Porter then use this...

The Failure of the Word
The Protagonist as Lawyer in Modern Fiction
The cruel power of misdirected words, artfully structured but spiritually empty and bearing the stamp of law or legalistic reasoning, is a persistent theme in the modern novel. Richard Weisberg, who has written...

The Gospel of Gentility
American Women Missionaries in Turn-of-the-Century China
At the turn of the century, women represented over half of the American foreign mission force and had settled in “heathen” China to preach the lessons of Christian domesticity. In this engrossing narrative, Jane Hunter uses...

The New Orpheus
Essays on Kurt Weill
In this prizewinning book, leading musical, theatrical, and literary scholars here examine different aspects of the life and work of Kurt Weill, one of the most controversial composers of the twentieth century....

Papers on Psychoanalysis
This volume brings together many of the important writings of Hans Loewald, one of the major theoreticians of psychoanalysis today. Among other subjects, Dr. Loewald discusses the nature of the internalization processes...

Woman in the Crested Kimono
The Life of Shibue Io and Her Family Drawn from Mori Ogai's Shibue Chusai
“The life of Shibue Io and her family, a kind of Japanese Buddenbrooks, may be unknown in the West, but her rich and engaging story marks the intersection of a remarkable woman with a fascinating time in history.”—Arthur...

Origins of Sex
Three Billion Years of Genetic Recombination
A fascinating and detailed examination of the evolution—and occasional devolution—of sexuality in microorganisms and more complex forms of life. Margulis and Sagan trace sex from its inauspicious beginnings in...