¡A Su Salud!


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Spanish for Health Professionals, Classroom Edition: With Online Media

Christine E. Cotton, Elizabeth Ely Tolman, and Julia Cardona Mack; Revised by Elizabeth C. Bruno

View Inside Format: Paper
Price: $65.00
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Also Available in:
Paper with DVD

¡A Su Salud! is an intermediate-level Spanish language program designed for students and practicing healthcare professionals. Learners work with vocabulary and grammar within the context of a telenovela called La comunidad, which features authentic Spanish spoken by native speakers in a variety of accents.

Major features include:

  • New readings from external sources on medical topics that spark student discussion
  • Dozens of exercises from the original DVD program have been incorporated into the textbook
  • A companion website (yalebooks.com/salud) that includes the 96-minute telenovela drama La comunidad, as well as dozens of additional clips that help students practice their language skills and learn more about the culture of their Hispanic patients
  • Recursos website (yalebooks.com/salud/recursos) with links to important language, culture, and health-related sites.

ISBN: 9780300214451
Publication Date: July 14, 2009
456 pages, 8 1/2 x 11
Course Resources


¡A Su Salud! Online Edition

This version of our popular textbook is a standalone online course, hosted by Junction Education, and does not require the use of the printed textbook.

Instructors: Click here to create an online course.
Students: Create an account here and ask your teacher for the course code for your specific class.

ISBN: 9780300122497 | $59.00

¡A Su Salud! (set)

Spanish for Health Professionals

Christine E.

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