An Atlas of Russian History
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Eleven Centuries of Changing Borders, Revised Edition
Allen F. Chew
This atlas, which combines thorough scholarship with the most practical features for use, will become an indispensable supplement to texts on Russian history for the historian, the student, and the inquiring layman. The book contains thirty-four handsomely drawn maps—accurate, uncluttered, and easy-to-read—that show how Russia’s boundaries have changed from the formation of the embryonic state of Kievan Rus in the ninth century to the most recent revisions resulting from World War II. Each map is accompanied by concise, descriptive text. The atlas will be a permanent addition to the reference shelves of libraries and individuals.
"An atlas to be welcomed by every student of history of Eastern Europe. The picture of boundary changes and shift during 1,100 years is comprehensive and accurate. Perhaps the most valuable feature . . . is the series of maps concerning the growth of the Muscovy before 1462, amps referring to those events are not often to be found in histories of Russia."—Choice.
Mr. Chew recently retired from the United States Air Force Academy, where he was associate professor and course chairman for Russian history.
"An atlas to be welcomed by every student of Eastern Europe. The picture of boundary changes and shifts during 1,100 years is comprehensive and accurate."—Choice
ISBN: 9780300014457
Publication Date: September 10, 1967
Publication Date: September 10, 1967
140 pages, 8 1/4 x 10 3/4