The Diary of Joseph Farington
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Volume 7, January 1805 - June 1806, Volume 8, July 1806 - December 1807
Joseph Farington; Edited by Kathryn Cave
These seventh and eighth volumes of Farrington's diary chronicle a period of troubled time for the Royal Academy and record political events such as the battle of Trafalgar and the death of Pitt and Fox.
"An invaluable source for the history of English art and artists. . . . There is a wealth of information on artists and their world."—The British Studies Monitor
"One of the great diaries in English. . . . The details about politics are . . . fascinating. . . . The details about the arts, particularly painting, are . . . wonderfully extensive and revealing."—University of Toronto Quarterly
ISBN: 9780300027686
Publication Date: September 10, 1982
Publication Date: September 10, 1982
5 1/2 x 8 1/4