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Edited by Jens Hoffmann
This wide-ranging and thought-provoking compilation explores the idea of nonconformity in art, religion, and philosophy. The book features 55 contemporary artists who work outside the norms of current practice, alongside both newly commissioned and previously published texts which, taken together, provide an astute sampling of recent perspectives on art and ideas. Among the artists whose work is featured are Margit Anna, Clayton Bailey, Tony Cox, Abu Bakarr Mansaray, Birgit Megerle, Philip Smith, and Keiichi Tanaami. The accompanying texts include classic works by Sigmund Freud and Leo Steinberg, reprinted with new commentary by Mark Edmundson and Joshua Decter, respectively; a recent essay on unorthodoxy in Judaism by Alan T. Levenson with a response by Jack Wertheimer; and a previously unpublished meditation on Aby Warburg’s art history by Georges Didi-Huberman.
Distributed for the Jewish Museum, New York
Exhibition Schedule:
Jewish Museum, New York
Jens Hoffmann is deputy director of exhibitions and public programs at the Jewish Museum.
Jewish Museum, New York
ISBN: 9780300219340
Publication Date: February 16, 2016
Publishing Partner: Distributed for the Jewish Museum, New York
Publication Date: February 16, 2016
Publishing Partner: Distributed for the Jewish Museum, New York
184 pages, 8 5/8 x 11
55 color illus.
55 color illus.