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Kitty Cruft, John Dunbar, and Richard Fawcett
The region boasts country houses of exceptional quality and importance, including Thirlestane Castle, Traquair, and Paxton as well as Abbotsford, the home of Sir Walter Scott, which is world-renowned as the fount of nineteenth-century Romanticism. Other highlights of this comprehensive guide are little-known shooting and fishing lodges, rural steadings, arts and crafts villas, Art Deco schools, and the extraordinary Sunderland House, a building of Miesian purity by Peter Womersley.
'The Buildings of Scotland: Borders [is] packed with all the information you could possibly require...' - Homes and Interiors Scotland
'...a serendipidist's dream...always illuminating...' - Alan Taylor, Sunday Herald
"The authors are to be congratulated on a phenomenal achievement in recording an extraordinary range of buildings... [The architectural detail is] scholarly and authoritative..." - Hugh Massingberd, The Spectator
"Just occasionally a book emerges which we can all see will be a classic. Such is Borders... The 840 pages of dense fact and detail are a delight. Yet it is more of a reference book than a narrative. If you are exploring the Borders, you need to carry this compelling text in your car. I can see mine will get grimy over the coming years as I thumb through it to discover if I'm seeing everything I should be seeing. I cannot imagine this admirable volume will ever be superceded. ... Simply compiling such an exhaustive guide demands praise for the authors' patience and filtering skills. The most loyal of Borderers with the bravest of wellie boots can only hope to know a fraction of the terrain in enough detail. ... The best compliment I can pay is to say I cannot envisage how you could spend £29.95 more pleasingly." - Peter Clarke, Berwickshire News
“This book … is in every way as distinguished as the region whose wealth and range of architecture it assesses and describes in intimate detail … Borders covers a large swathe of territory … [with] analyses of key churches, castles, and houses … [and] phraseology that is positively memorable … [The] essays provide masterly overviews and syntheses of the descriptive material … [an] outstanding, scholarly and readable contribution to a magnificent series.” - Geoffrey Stell, Burlington
Publication Date: March 2, 2006
120 color illus.