Art History, Aesthetics, Visual Studies
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Edited by Michael Ann Holly and Keith Moxey; With essays by David Carrier, Philip Fisher, Hal Foster, Ivan Gaskell, Jonathan Gilmore, Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann, Michael Kelly, Karen Lang, Stephen Melville, Kobena Mercer, Nicholas Mirzoeff et al.
Art history, aesthetics, and visual studies today find themselves in contested new philosophical and institutional circumstances. This fascinating and challenging volume explores the connections and differences among these three methods of investigating visual representation.
What are the dominant aesthetic assumptions underlying art historical inquiry? How have these assumptions been challenged by visual studies? Are questions of quality, form, content, meaning, and spectatorship culturally specific? Can we still define the parameters of what should properly constitute the objects of the history of art? Fifteen distinguished scholars answer these and other questions, critically examining the relationships among these three scholarly fields from their founding moments through their contemporary practices.
What are the dominant aesthetic assumptions underlying art historical inquiry? How have these assumptions been challenged by visual studies? Are questions of quality, form, content, meaning, and spectatorship culturally specific? Can we still define the parameters of what should properly constitute the objects of the history of art? Fifteen distinguished scholars answer these and other questions, critically examining the relationships among these three scholarly fields from their founding moments through their contemporary practices.
Distributed for the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute
Michael Ann Holly is director of Research and Academic Programs at the Clark Art Institute. Keith Moxey is Ann Whitney Olin Professor of Art History at Barnard College and Columbia University.
With essays by David Carrier, Philip Fisher, Hal Foster, Ivan Gaskell, Jonathan Gilmore, Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann, Michael Kelly, Karen Lang, Stephen Melville, Kobena Mercer, Nicholas Mirzoeff, W.J.T. Mitchell, Griselda Pollock, Irene J. Winter, and Janet Wolff
ISBN: 9780300097894
Publication Date: January 11, 2003
Publishing Partner: Distributed for the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute
Publication Date: January 11, 2003
Publishing Partner: Distributed for the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute
292 pages, 7 x 9 1/2
29 b/w illus.
29 b/w illus.