The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 21
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Volume 21: January 1, 1774 through March 22, 1775
Benjamin Franklin; Edited by William B. Willcox
The fifteen months that this volume covers were the climax as well as the end of Franklin's British mission. They include the months of negotiation in which his aid was sought in the unsuccessful attempt to find a peace settlement with the colonists. In March Franklin sailed for home.
"The Franklin Papers continues to be the best historical publications project in existence, with the highest standards of scholarship and with annotation that is informative, intelligent, and gracefully expressed."—Charles Crowe, William and Mary Quarterly
"This is one of the most significant volumes yet published in this superb series. Its contents trace the collapse of the last major effort to prevent war between Britain and America and it concludes an epoch in Franklin's life—his seventeen-year stay in England."—Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography
ISBN: 9780300022247
Publication Date: September 10, 1978
Publication Date: September 10, 1978
704 pages, 5 3/4 x 8 5/8