The American Mind
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An Interpretation of American Thought and Character Since the 1880's
Henry Steele Commager
In a book written out of a passionate belief in the staying powers of the democratic principles, a noted historian has written a major work that may be described as an interpretation of American thought and character since the 1880s.
“Impressive in its inclusive sweep.”—Joseph Wood Krutch, New York Times
“Impressive in its inclusive sweep.”—Joseph Wood Krutch, New York Times
"A rich and brilliant book. Henry Commager has never written with such felicity and charm. . . . A wise and suggestive book which all students of American civilization can read with benefit. It fills in the intellectual background of our contemporary perplexities with insight and vigor."—Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., Nation
"More comprehensive studies of American thought have been written, but none, I think, so luminously directed upon a great patter of significance. Mr. Commager has produced a book which is itself an education."—Henry Seidel Canby, Book-of-the-Month Club News
"Reading this masterly work is like listening to someone talking about you. Part of it is good to hear, part of it distressing, and all of it absorbing. . . . Commager is a beguiling writer, an original and shrewd critic, and a witty observer."—J.H. Powell, Philadelphia Inquirer
"The intellectual history of one's own country in the 70 years just before the present is as difficult a subject as an historian could attempt. Successfully attempted, it is as rewarding as any. Professor Commager's attempt to interpret American thought and character since 1880 is brilliantly successful."—Alfred C. Ames, Chicago Tribune
"An attempt, impressive in its inclusive sweep to trace an evolution through certain leading ideas which ran parallel courses through political, historical, economic, legal and imaginative writing."—New York Times Book Review
"Commager's book does credit to an avowed discipleship by its erudition, wit, generous enthusiasm, literary grace, and brilliant summation."—Saturday Review
"A triple alliance of scholarly exposition, vigorous interpretation, and literary grace makes The American Mind a spirited and enlightening piece of history." - Atlantic Monthly
Selected as one of the ten most significant works published in American history during the decade of 1950 by the Organization of American Historians
ISBN: 9780300000467
Publication Date: September 10, 1959
Publication Date: September 10, 1959
490 pages, 5 1/4 x 8 1/4