Books from "Carl Hovland Memorial Lectures Series"
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Carl Iver Hovland was one of those rare people whom any university with pride in the quality of its faculty hopes to attract and retain. He came to Yale as a graduate student and as soon as he received his Ph.D. in 1936 was appointed to the faculty in psychology. He rose rapidly through the ranks to become professor in 1945 and Sterling professor in 1947. This early arrival at a position of eminence in Yale was matched by a rapid rise in knowledge of and respect for his work in the scientific community outside his own institution. In addition to serving as chairman of his academic department, as its director of graduate studies, and as one of its most stimulating seminar leaders, Carl had a sequence of prolific research careers and perhaps was reaching the peak of his productivity just before his untimely death in 1961. His work in human learning first demonstrated his very great competence in experimental work. Although he had several other secondary interests, such as that in personnel selection, it was probably his work with films intended to educate and to change attitudes among World War II soldiers that, back at Yale, led to his major developments in experimental work in attitude change. It was in this area that he perhaps influenced more students and colleagues than in any other, but almost simultaneously he was moving into research in thinking and problem-solving, continuing to show a high order of theoretical and experimental brilliance. It was out of respect not only for his scientific accomplishments but for his gentle yet effective relationships with people, that his students, friends, and colleagues across the nation established the Hovland Memorial Lecture Series. As these lectures become books they will periodically remind us of the remarkable man to whom they are dedicated.
Books in the Hovland Memorial Lecture Series are based on talks given to commemorate the life and the professional contributions of Yale University's Carl Iver Hovland, Sterling Professor of psychology known for, among many other things, his work in experimental, social, and cognitive psychology.
Constructive and Destructive Processes
09/10/1977, PaperISBN: 9780300021868