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Nineteenth-century French Paintings in the Ashmolean Museum
A fully illustrated, comprehensive, and scholarly catalogue of the paintings in the Ashmolean Museum’s collection by French artists born between 1775 and 1875 The only complete catalogue of French paintings of the...

The Stories Old Towns Tell
A Journey through Cities at the Heart of Europe
A fascinating journey through Europe’s old towns, exploring why we treasure them—but also what they hide about a continent’s fraught history Historic quarters in cities and towns across the middle of Europe were...

The Coming of the Railway
A New Global History, 1750-1850
The first global history of the epic early days of the iron railway Railways, in simple wooden or stone form, have existed since prehistory. But from the 1750s onward the introduction of iron rails led to a...

Tudor Children
The first history of childhood in Tudor England What was it like to grow up in England under the Tudors? How were children cared for, what did they play with, and what dangers did they face? In this...

Not One Inch
America, Russia, and the Making of Post-Cold War Stalemate
A leading expert on foreign policy reveals how tensions between America, NATO, and Russia transformed geopolitics ● A Foreign Affairs Best Book of 2021 and winner of the Pushkin House Book Prize ...

The Will to See
Dispatches from a World of Misery and Hope
An unflinching look at the most urgent humanitarian crises around the globe, from one of the world’s most daring philosopher-reporters“Call[s] on people not just to see the world, but to be moved and interested...

A World after Liberalism
Five Thinkers Who Inspired the Radical Right
A bracing account of liberalism’s most radical critics introducing one of the most controversial movements of the twentieth century “Powerful. . . . Bracing. . . . Part of the book’s eerie relevance comes from...

How I Became a Tree
An exquisite, lovingly crafted meditation on plants, trees, and our place in the natural world, in the tradition of Robin Wall Kimmerer’s Braiding Sweetgrass and Annie Dillard’s Pilgrim at Tinker Creek...

The Voice Catchers
How Marketers Listen In to Exploit Your Feelings, Your Privacy, and Your Wallet
Your voice provides biometric data. How are marketers using it to manipulate you?“[Dr. Turow ] is encouraging policymakers and the public to do something I wish we did more often: Be careful and considerate about...

The Fall of the Soviet Union
A major study of the collapse of the Soviet Union—showing how Gorbachev’s misguided reforms led to its demise “A deeply informed account of how the Soviet Union fell apart.”—Rodric Braithwaite, Financial Times...