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821 - 830 of 8290 Results

Occupation and Disease

How Social Factors Affect the Conception of Work-Related Disorders

Allard E. Dembe

How and why do physicians come to regard certain medical disorders as work-related? Is this process merely a matter of gathering and interpreting empirical evidence or is it a complex social phenomenon? In this fascinating...

June 26, 1996, Cloth, $69.00

Private Action and the Public Good

Edited by Walter W. Powell and Elisabeth S. Clemens

Governments around the world are turning over more of their services to private or charitable organizations, as politicians and pundits celebrate participation in civic activities. But can nonprofits provide more and higher...

March 30, 1998, Cloth, $64.00

Selected Letters of Paul Hindemith

Paul Hindemith; Edited by Geoffrey Skelton; Translated by Geoffrey Skelton

Paul Hindemith had a multifaceted career as an internationally acclaimed composer, performer, festival organizer, teacher, lecturer, and writer. Born in Germany in 1895, he was a leading member of the musical avant-garde, and...

October 25, 1995, Cloth, $60.00

Royal Bounty

The Making of a Welfare Monarchy

Frank Prochaska

As the constitutional importance of the monarchy has declined, the British royal family has forged a new and popular role for itself as patron, promoter, and fund-raiser for the underprivileged and the deserving. This book...

November 29, 1995, Cloth, $65.00

Dramma per Musica

Italian Opera Seria of the Eighteenth Century

Reinhard Strohm

Dramma per musica—the most usual term for Italian serious opera from the seventeenth to the early nineteenth century—was a modern, enlightened form of theater that presented a unified, artistically designed, dramatic...

December 22, 1997, Cloth, $65.00

The Poverty of Welfare Reform

Joel F. Handler

Once again, America is getting tough on welfare. Democrats and Republicans at both the national and state levels seem to have agreed that paying public funds to the poor—particularly to single mothers and their children...

September 27, 1995, Paper, $21.00

School Choice

The Struggle for the Soul of American Education

Peter W. Cookson, Jr.

Few school reform movements have aroused more public passion than school choice. Should families have a voice in deciding which schools their children attend? Is it true that increased competition leads to better schools? How...

August 30, 1995, Paper, $21.00

Norms of Rhetorical Culture

Thomas B. Farrell

Rhetoric is widely regarded by both its detractors and advocates as a kind of antithesis to reason. In this book Thomas B. Farrell restores rhetoric as an art of practical reason and enlightened civic participation, grounding...

August 30, 1995, Paper, $37.00

Disputed Questions in Theology and the Philosophy of Religion

John Hick

When medieval theologians wrote their Quaestiones Disputatae, the disputed questions concerned relatively peripheral topics, for Christians agreed on all of the most basic matters. But today even the most central...

December 27, 1995, Paper, $24.00

Law's Promise, Law's Expression

Visions of Power in the Politics of Race, Gender, and Religion

Kenneth L. Karst

The conservative "social issues agenda" is targeted to voters who have felt left out, even threatened, by the successes of the civil rights movement, the women's movement, and the gay rights movement. The agenda centers on...

September 27, 1995, Paper, $33.00
