Bruce Nauman
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Contrapposto Studies
Edited by Carlos Basualdo and Erica F. Battle; With essays by Carlos Basualdo, Erica F. Battle, and Caroline Bourgeois, and an interview with Bruce Nauman
An insightful examination of Bruce Nauman’s Contrapposto Studies, I through VII, Contrapposto Studies, i through vii, and related works, through both rigorous analysis and the artist’s own words
This important publication offers the first in-depth exploration of contemporary artist Bruce Nauman’s (b. 1941) monumental works Contrapposto Studies, I through VII and Contrapposto Studies, i through vii of 2015–16. The book surveys Nauman’s trajectory from his early works, which set clear precedents for experimentation with video and performance, to his latest installations that combine video, sound, and performative elements to create immersive environmental experiences. The essays also address Nauman’s return to the motif of contrapposto, and the use of his own body as a tool and subject for performance. Related works, including Walks In Walks Out and Model for Philadelphia Museum of Art (1'=1"), are considered as well. In the recent interview published here for the first time, Nauman discusses the conception, development, and installation of the Contrapposto Studies, which stand as a testament to his ability to transform simple gestures into grand ruminations on the possibilities of representation.
This important publication offers the first in-depth exploration of contemporary artist Bruce Nauman’s (b. 1941) monumental works Contrapposto Studies, I through VII and Contrapposto Studies, i through vii of 2015–16. The book surveys Nauman’s trajectory from his early works, which set clear precedents for experimentation with video and performance, to his latest installations that combine video, sound, and performative elements to create immersive environmental experiences. The essays also address Nauman’s return to the motif of contrapposto, and the use of his own body as a tool and subject for performance. Related works, including Walks In Walks Out and Model for Philadelphia Museum of Art (1'=1"), are considered as well. In the recent interview published here for the first time, Nauman discusses the conception, development, and installation of the Contrapposto Studies, which stand as a testament to his ability to transform simple gestures into grand ruminations on the possibilities of representation.
Published in association with the Philadelphia Museum of Art
Carlos Basualdo is the Keith L. and Katherine Sachs Curator of Contemporary Art and Erica F. Battle is the John Alchin and Hal Marryatt Associate Curator of Contemporary Art, both at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
ISBN: 9780300233094
Publication Date: May 8, 2018
Publishing Partner: Published in association with the Philadelphia Museum of Art
Publication Date: May 8, 2018
Publishing Partner: Published in association with the Philadelphia Museum of Art
154 pages, 7 1/2 x 9 7/8
100 color illus.
100 color illus.