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Cultural Discussions for Students of French

Kimberlee Campbell

View Inside Format: Paper
Price: $28.00
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This uniquely appealing book is an interdisciplinary introduction to French cultural studies designed for French-language students. The book employs a holistic approach, integrating French with texts and images that might be studied in fine art, anthropology, sociology, or history. As students think across and between these disciplines, they develop not only competence in the language but also an understanding of issues and questions relevant to Francophone society, past and present.

Échos addressesFrench cultural identity issues far sooner than most language curricula do, guiding students to think about such topics even during their earliest language classes. Devised to allow for maximum flexibility, the book’s ten well-planned lessons can be used with a variety of primary textbooks and in any sequence.

Kimberlee Campbell is director of French Language Programs at New York University.

“A valuable contribution to the French curriculum, Échos encourages students to place their language-learning in a meaningful context.”—Catherine M. Jones, University of Georgia

“Students of French at the earliest level need to learn that there is more to understanding a culture than simply mastering its grammar. This engaging book is a useful tool for teaching that.”—Donald Perret, Emerson College

“This is an extremely innovative and valuable book that will give students the tools to analyze and discuss cultural identity in France and in Francophone countries. Échos cleverly brings together topics shared by French and English speakers around the world.”—Elizabeth Emery, Montclair State University

“A timely and appropriate complement to beginning and intermediate-level French- language courses. A real strength of this book is its ability to generate discussion in class and further inquiries on the part of the student.”—Maureen Gillespie, University of Kansas

“Kimberlee Campbell’s attractive little book. Échos is a delight. Designed as ‘an interdisciplinary approach to French cultural studies’, it has an appealing mix of illustrations that range from artist Paul Cézanne to a street mural from Haiti. The texts are also varied, fascinating and strongly multicultural in origin.”—Marian Jones, Times Educational Supplement

"Échos constitutes a solid, innovative, and exciting approach to introducing culture at the beginning and intermediate levels, and it involves students in stimulating and meaningful learning."—Margaret A. Haggstrom, The Modern Language Journal

"A modern upbeat resource for students and teachers of French language and of the Francophone world. The text is designed to provide a springboard to discussions surrounding cultural identity and diversity specific to the Francophone world for even the most novice-level student of French language. . . . It is an appealing and innovative text that will remain in my sight and on my desk while I try to discern the best way to implement it in my teaching."—Lorie Sauble-Otto, Rocky Mountain News
ISBN: 9780300098037
Publication Date: September 10, 2003
160 pages, 6 x 9
10 color illus.
Course Resources
Preface (PDF)
Discussion 1 (PDF)
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