Beginning Chinese
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John DeFrancis
A complete revision of the first volume in the Yale Linguistic Series, this new version, in pinyin romanization, and aimed at secondary school and college levels, is an introduction to spoken Chinese. It includes dialogues, pronunciation drills, sentence-building exercises, examples of characters, substitution drills, and miscellaneous exercises in the form of games like crossword puzzles. There is a combined glossary-index, supplementary vocabulary for each lesson, notes, and a detailed suggested study guide.
The features of this introductory text for learning the Chinese language include:
-Pinyin romanization
-Vocabulary of 600 items
-Pronunciation drills, dialogues, sentence-building exercises, pattern drills, substitution tables, games and other learning aids, memorization exercises, and a combined glossary-index
-No characters are used
Published for Seton Hall University
John De Francis is research professor of Chinese at Seton Hall University.
For information about the audio program to accompany DeFrancis Chinese language texts, go to the Seton Hall University Language Resource Center Web site.
ISBN: 9780300020588
Publication Date: September 10, 1976
Publishing Partner: Published for Seton Hall University
Publication Date: September 10, 1976
Publishing Partner: Published for Seton Hall University
601 pages, 7 x 10