Falasha Anthology
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Wolf Leslau
The Falashas, who are the most isolated and most ancient Jewish community extant, have preserved their own religious writings through the centuries. This book offers a cross section of their sacred literature, translated for the first time into English from Ethiopic sources. In addition, the translator provides a detailed description of the life and mores of the Falashas, based on his personal experience and observation during a prolonged stay in their community.
“An excellent, unique, and fascinating volume…an illuminating view of the range of Falasha sacred literature, all freshly rendered into forceful English, and of timeless interest.”—Harry E. Wedeck, National Jewish Monthly
“Gives to the English-reading public for the first time an extensive and intimate view of the life and literature of an extremely interesting branch of the Jewish religious community.”—S.D. Goitein, Commentary
“The translations in the anthology are notably well done…. For thus presenting in full the evidences of a most extraordinary modern ethnic discovery, Dr. Leslau merits the praise of both scholarly and general public.”—Abraham Burstein, American Jewish Review
“This fascinating volume [is] a valuable contribution.” –Alexander Heidel, Near Eastern Studies
“An excellent, unique, and fascinating volume…an illuminating view of the range of Falasha sacred literature, all freshly rendered into forceful English, and of timeless interest.”—Harry E. Wedeck, National Jewish Monthly
“Gives to the English-reading public for the first time an extensive and intimate view of the life and literature of an extremely interesting branch of the Jewish religious community.”—S.D. Goitein, Commentary
“The translations in the anthology are notably well done…. For thus presenting in full the evidences of a most extraordinary modern ethnic discovery, Dr. Leslau merits the praise of both scholarly and general public.”—Abraham Burstein, American Jewish Review
“This fascinating volume [is] a valuable contribution.” –Alexander Heidel, Near Eastern Studies
"Falasha Anthology is the first English translation of specimens of Old testament texts and prayers which are representative of Falasha religious literature. . . . Leslau’s book points scholars of Falasha social history toward the analysis of oral literature and documentary materials, notably Ethiopic manuscripts, as a method for reconstructing past political events and the nature of structural transformations of Falasha society."—William A. Shack, Reviews in Anthropology
ISBN: 9780300039276
Publication Date: September 10, 1987
Publication Date: September 10, 1987
266 pages, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2