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Keystone of the Washington Establishment, Revised Edition

Morris P. Fiorina

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Price: $23.00
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This highly readable book makes a strong case that a Washington establishment does exist and that members of Congress are responsible for it. Fiorina’s description of the self-serving interconnections that have developed between Congress, bureaucrats, and citizens with special interests leads to provocative and disturbing conclusions about the way our political system works. First published in 1977, this greatly enlarged second edition discusses the new developments that have occurred over the past twelve years, provides supportive data through the 1988 election, and reveals Fiorina’s current thoughts on Congress and American politics.
Reviews of the first edition:
“A stimulating indictment of the role of Congress in perpetuating a triangle of self-interest: constituents want benefits at someone else’s expense; Congressmen, seeking reelection, try to oblige; bureaucrats want growth for their agencies and accordingly provide favors for Congressmen. The general welfare is ill-served.”—Foreign Affairs
“A fascinating book . . . on the factors which keep members of Congress in office . . . . A tract that no student of Congress can afford to neglect.”—Eric M. Uslaner, American Political Science Review
“Written with insight, originality, and verve.”—Washington Monthly

"A stimulating indictment of the role of Congress in perpetuating a triangle of self-interest: constituents want benefits at someone else’s expense; Congressmen, seeking reelection, try to oblige; bureaucrats want growth for their agencies and accordingly provide favors for Congressmen. The general welfare is ill-served."—Foreign Affairs (from reviews of the first edition)


"A fascination. . . . exploration of how Congressman have managed to modify their institutional arrangements and influence relationships to better serve their electoral needs."—Library Journal

"I find much truth in his understanding of the workings of Congress and Congresspersons. . . . I do not suggest that increasingly vulnerable Congressmen are responsible for all of our failures in solving America's problems but it is clear that they are not part of the solution and thus become a part of the problem. Fiorina does us all a service in calling that to mind."—Jerome R. Waldie, former Congressman from California

"A fascinating book . . . on the factors which keep members of Congress in office. . . . A tract that no student of Congress can afford to neglect."—Eric M. Uslaner, American Political Science Review (from reviews of the first edition)

"Fiorina’s book is an indictment of Congress for ignoring important national issues to ensure the continued reelection of its individual members. . . . The book is smoothly written [and] will serve to stimulate and broaden debate on this fascinating subject."—Norman J. Ornstein, Washington Post (from reviews of the first edition)

"This is a work that can be read with profit by both layman and professional alike, and, what is more, at a single sitting. If there is a single book that ought to be read by more or less everyone who is worried about the present condition and future of Congress, this is it."—Michael M. Uhlmann, Common Sense

"Fiorina’s Keystone, second edition, is a pleasure to read and very insightful. . . . It advances intriguing personal views and speculations. It is a worthwhile read for all economists and political scientists trying to understand American politics."—Kenneth Koford, Public Choice (from reviews of the first edition)

"A fascinating . . . exploration of how Congressmen have managed to modify institutional arrangements and influence relationships to better serve their electoral needs."—Library Journal

"I find much truth in his understanding of the workings of Congress and Congressperons. . . . I do not suggest that increasingly invulnerable Congressmen are responsible for all of our failures in solving America's problems but it is clear they are not part of the solution and thus become a part of the problem. Fiorina does us all a service in calling that to mind."—Jerome R. Waldie, former Congressman from California

Co-winner of the Washington Monthly Political Book Award

ISBN: 9780300046403
Publication Date: September 10, 1989
192 pages, 5 1/2 x 8