Law and the Contradictions of the Disability Rights Movement
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Samuel R. Bagenstos
The passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990 was hailed as revolutionary legislation, but in the ensuing years restrictive Supreme Court decisions have prompted accusations that the Court has betrayed the disability rights movement. The ADA can lay claim to notable successes, yet people with disabilities continue to be unemployed at extremely high rates. In this timely book, Samuel R. Bagenstos examines the history of the movement and discusses the various, often-conflicting projects of diverse participants. He argues that while the courts deserve some criticism, some may also be fairly aimed at the choices made by prominent disability rights activists as they crafted and argued for the ADA. The author concludes with an assessment of the limits of antidiscrimination law in integrating and empowering people with disabilities, and he suggests new policy directions to make these goals a reality.
“Bagenstos addresses complex and controversial issues surrounding the Disability Rights Movement in a lucid manner. He is willing to ask hard questions and challenge sacred cows.”—Robert Dinerstein, American University, Washington College of Law
“Samuel Bagenstos’s Law and the Contradictions of the Disability Rights Movement is an original, ambitious, and exhaustively researched book that contributes greatly to the field of disability law.”—Michael Waterstone, Loyola Law School
Publication Date: June 23, 2009