When a Baby Dies
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Psychotherapy for Pregnancy and Newborn Loss
Irving G. Leon; Foreword by Erna Furman
Out of Print
"This is indeed a most welcome book. It will welcome above all to the enormous number of mothers who have suffered perinatal loss and to the fathers and siblings who are deeply and inevitably affected by such a death. It is welcome to all of us who have worked with these parents and their surviving children professionally."—Erna Furman, from the Foreword
"In a moving poem mourning the premature loss of her firstborn child, Nancy Grossman Leon sets the tone of this very significant volume written by Dr. Irving G. Leon. His clear and wellwritten chapters integrate theory, clinical experience, research findings, and therapeutic approaches for the study of pregnancy and neonatal loss. This is a book that should be read by professionals, e.g., obstetricians, pediatricians, psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers, by parents who have ’lost’ children, and siblings who have had similar losses. In an era where anxiety over achieving fertility is very common, one can learn from Leon’s volume about this type of anticipatory loss. This monograph will take its appropriate place along with other classics dealing with mourning liberation and bereavement processes throughout the life course."—George H. Pollock, Ph.D., Northwestern University
"Caregivers who work in the perinatal period will learn much about how to help parents from this excellent and thoughtful book. They will also learn how valuable they can be for this very needy group of parents. The book will be of great help to the psychologists and psychiatrists who work with this group daily."—Marshall H. Klaus, m.d., Director of Academic Affairs, Children’s Hospital, Oakland; Professor of Pediatrics at UC San Francisco; author of Parent-Infant Bonding, The Amazing Newborn, and Care of the High-Risk Neonate
"This is an important book. . . . For would-be therapists in this territory the book goes further than anything else available."—Sandy Bourne, Journal of Psychosomatic Research
"The first book to explore neonatal loss and its therapy . . . it should be very useful to obstetricians, midwives, nurses, social workers, psychologists, and psychiatrists. It gives a unique, in-depth view of the problem and a clear outline of the treatment process for those with early pregnancy or perinatal loss."—John M. Craig, Journal of the American Medical Association
"A landmark book on psychotherapeutic issues related to perinatal loss. . . . An absolute must for all clinicians."—Sibyl M. Wagner, Readings: A Journal of Reviews and Commentary in Mental Health
"Finally an author has tackled a subject badly in need of attention. . . . [Leon] presents a wealth of information. . . . [His] treatment of perinatal sibling loss is clear and comprehensive. He covers such important topics as the child’s concept of death, mourning in childhood, the impact of sibling death, and the psychotherapeutic treatment of siblings. This section contains carefully considered original work, which will be valuable to both adult and child therapists."—Rochelle Friedman, Resolve National Newsletter [on infertility]
"It has only been recently that perinatal grief has been identified as a worthy grief. Many times, mothers and families have been made to feel that their grief over their perinatal loss was not as important or as significant as the loss of an older person. This book identifies and validates the grief that is experienced over a perinatal loss and clearly demonstrates the consequences of unresolved grief not only on the mother but on the entire family. This well-written account of perinatal grief is highly recommended for psychiatrists, psychologists, and all health professionals interacting with families following a perinatal loss."—Laura Guerrero, Journal of Perinatology
"A noble effort, I enjoyed and learned from it, and recommend it as a ’must read’ text."—Benet Broner, Birth
"An ambitious and thought-provoking book which endeavours to cover four major areas of psychological theory and then to integrate them into a reasonable, effective plan of therapy for women who have suffered the loss of a baby in pregnancy or shortly after birth."—Linda Hoag, British Journal of Guidance and Counseling
ISBN: 9780300045758
Publication Date: March 11, 1990
Publication Date: March 11, 1990
247 pages, 5 1/2 x 8 1/4