Speaking Chinese in China
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Ying Hsu and J. Marvin Brown
Out of Print
This text represents a second-year conversation course emphasizing modern usage of the language. It is structured in dialogue format, with accompanying explanatory notes for vocabulary and grammar. Pinyin and Yale romanization, and traditional and simplified characters, are used throughout.
"The most significant strength of Speaking Chinese in China is its warm inviting appearance. Students relate easily to the conversations and are not threatened by out-of-context grammatical rules. For a student who has had several months or a year of prior study, this text gives the affirmation that Chinese is functional and may be mastered. At the juncture between first- and second-year study, Speaking Chinese in China can play an important role in consolidating the material learned in the first year, and in giving the student a much-needed sense of accomplishment and confidence."—Vivian Hsu, Journal of Asian Studies
ISBN: 9780300029550
Publication Date: September 10, 1983
Publication Date: September 10, 1983
316 pages, 7 x 10