White Collar Crime
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The Uncut Version
Edwin H. Sutherland
Out of Print
"Yale University Press has performed an outstanding service in making available the unabridged classic, Edwin Sutherland's White Collar Crime. There are few works in social science that have had such a great impact upon the thinking of the people and upon public policy as well. The new edition, with the excellent introduction by Geis and Goff, should contribute to the developing scholarship in the field."—Edward Sagarin
"Shocking then, the allegations won't raise an eyebrow now, but will certainly be of value to specialists working in this area of growing concern."—Publisher's Weekly
"The introduction to this edition, written by sociologists Gilbert Geis and Colin Goff, is an excellent contribution to the intellectual history of criminology. This reviewer found it even more stimulating than Sutherland's own text. This edition also has a useful new index. Strongly recommended for all academic libraries and for personal collections."—Choice
"Almost as important as the reedition of the book . . . is the splendid introduction by Gilbert Geis and Colin Goff. In fact 'introduction' is far too modest a title, for this is a full-blown historical and biographical analysis of Sutherland the moralist. . . . Rich in its description of the academic and intellectual world of Sutherland, the introduction alone merits careful reading."—Eric H. Monkkonen, Business History Review
"White Collar Crime is the most significant book ever published in American criminology. This edition provides data and details about corporation crimes never before made public. The introduction alone makes the book worth its price. Geis and Goff have painted a revealing intellectual portrait of Sutherland and have nicely documented the history of research on white-collar crime. It, like the book it introduces, is bound to become a classic."—Donald R. Cressey, Dept. of Sociology, University of California at Santa Barbara
"A veritable gold mine for researchers interested in white collar and corporate crime. For example, it provides social scientists with the data needed to complete longitudinal-type studies of the illegalities in American corporations. It also makes it possible to draw cross-cultural comparisons between corporate malefactors in this country and those in Europe or Asia. Notwithstanding its well-known theoretical value, White Collar Crime is now a valuable data source."—Harvey W. Kushner, The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology
ISBN: 9780300029215
Publication Date: September 10, 1983
Publication Date: September 10, 1983