The Yale Editions of Horace Walpole's Correspondence, Volume 1
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With the Rev. William Cole, I
Horace Walpole; Edited by W. S. Lewis
The Yale Edition of Horace Walpole's Correspondence, encompasses as it does politics, society, literature, the arts, and antiquarianism, constitutes a conspectus of the life and thought of the eighteenth century. Indeed, the serious student of the time, whatever his field of interest, will find that Walpole and his correspondents have said something, perhaps a great deal, about it. The emphasis in this edition of Walpole correspondences is upon their value to scholars as the most informative record in letters of his time.
"The Lewis Walpole edition has . . . given us not only the text (complete and unexpurgated) of one of the eighteenth century's great letter writers—a man conspicuous in its literature, art, history, politics, and gossip—but also, through the ample footnotes, a running commentary on almost every aspect of the life and thought of that century. The edition is as much historical encyclopedia as literary document."—Virginia Quarterly Review
"The continued high standards of editing the Walpole correspondence make Volumes 3 and 36 a storehouse of information about eighteenth-century England. Most important, however, are the many letters to and from Walpole now printed for the first time. From them, Walpole's character takes on more complexity and depth, especially in terms of his family relationships."—Philological Quarterly
"Here is one of the most notable literary projects of all time. The correspondence and abundant and scrupulously accurate footnotes transport us in time and space to Walpole's England, with its politics, its literature, its society, and its gossip."—New York Times
ISBN: 9780300006841
Publication Date: September 10, 1937
Publication Date: September 10, 1937
450 pages, 6 3/4 x 10