Cullen, Deborah


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Deborah Cullen is director and chief curator of the Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Art Gallery at Columbia University, New York.
  • Sculptures and Works on Paper

    Marina Pacini; With essays by Bill Anthes, Dore Ashton, Deborah Cullen, and Douglas Dreishpoon

    04/22/2014, HC - Paper over Board
    $40.00 | Out of Stock
    ISBN: 9780300203790
  • Latin/American Artists in the Modern Metropolis

    Edited by Deborah Cullen; With essays by Antonio Saborit, Katherine Manthorne, Cecilia de Torres, Elvis Fuentes, James Wechsler, Katy Rogers, and Michele Greet

    10/27/2009, PB-with Flaps
    $55.00 |
    ISBN: 9780300158960
  • Art at the Crossroads of the World

    Edited by Deborah Cullen and Elvis Fuentes

    11/20/2012, HC - Paper over Board
    $75.00 | Out of Stock
    ISBN: 9780300178548