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397 books to browse, currently displaying 321 - 340

The Worlds of Philip and Sybil

Peter Stanskey

Radiant Awakening

Edited by Jackie Menzies

Edited by Michael Ann Holly and Keith Moxey; With essays...

The Gere Collection of Landscape Oil Sketches
Revised Edition

Christopher Riopelle and Xavier Bray; with an essay by...

Fifty Years

Introduction by Elizabeth Cropper

American Artists and the Communist Movement, 1926–1956

Andrew Hemingway

After-Images of the Holocaust in Contemporary Art and Architecture

James E. Young

Christian Pictures and Their Meanings

John Drury

Umberto Eco; Translated by Hugh Bredin

A Thousand Years of Faith and Power

Jonathan Bloom and Sheila Blair

Thomas James Dandelet

The History and Impact of Paper in the Islamic World

Jonathan Bloom

Episodes from a History of Modernism

T. J. Clark

Figurative, Modernist, Minimalist

Alex Potts

British Hospital and Asylum Architecture, 1660–1815

Christine Stevenson

Selected Letters of Henry McBride

Henry McBride; Edited by Steven Watson and Catherine J....

Old Master Paintings and the Rise of the Art Exhibition

Francis Haskell

Winckelmann and the Origins of Art History

Alex Potts

Passages of Western Art and Literature

Ruth Bernard Yeazell
